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Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body and what leads to its low levels
 In this article, we will learn about the most important symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, as vitamin B12 is one of the most important and...
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The benefits of zinc for hair.. and the most important natural sources for it
 Hair gets nutrition through vitamins and minerals, and zinc is one of the most important of these minerals, as there are many benefits of z...
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Does corn raise sugar?
 Does corn raise sugar, one of the questions that concern all diabetics, as corn is a vegetable and grain rich in nutritional values ​​neces...
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What are the benefits of Sidr honey?
 What are the different and multiple benefits of Sidr honey, which is the main topic of this scientific article, which will be presented in ...
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What is processed meat?
 What is processed meat?,  as this type of meat is one of the types of meat that is popular with many people and is available in abundance i...
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Benefits of wheat
 There are many benefits of wheat, and wheat is of great importance as it is the main food source for most people, as a result of being the ...
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Dates contain a high percentage of carbohydrates and sugars that provide the body with heat and activity
 Dates contain a high percentage of starchy and sugary substances that provide the body with heat and activity. Dates are the fruit of the p...
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